Norico Ltd:
A Brand Built

Brand Strategy & Marketing, a holistic build from Logo & CI through to UX Design & Development

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Norico came to us with zero history of brand building or marketing. This was a clean slate – what an absolute peach for a brand marketing consultancy!

As always beginning with a Discovery Session, we quickly realised the scope of the task was full scale:

  • Brand Strategy (incl. Brand Positioning & Messaging)
  • Design (CI & Web Graphics)
  • Web Strategy (incl. UX Design & Development, Hosting)
  • CRM Strategy
  • Copywriting
  • Productivity

Brand Strategy

Organisation goals and budget, along with market and competitor research, guided us in formulating a unique brand positioning based on operating location and target market. We built out a full brand strategy including segmentation and positioning, USP, tonality and messaging.


Our design approach began with a collaborative mood board with the client, where we led creative direction while allowing the directors to add “flavour” from their corporate history. The brand look and feel needed to convey the roots of the business in international trade, import/export and shipping, with our first draft Logo and CI designs hitting the sweet spot with stakeholders immediately.

UX Design & Web Development

A clean, direct aesthetic was paramount. As highlighted in our discovery session, the target market required an uncomplicated, direct approach and clear messaging. The simple design language formulated in the CI led to a clean UX layout and website user journey. All creative and copywriting was crafted in-house, along with SEO optimisation.

CRM & Productivity

A quick martech shift to the 21st Century, as we brought Norico across to Google Workspace and HubSpot CRM, with included basic client training by enigmatik. The combination of these tools allows for agile daily productivity and a modern all-in-one marketing suite for marketing automation and CRM.

  • Client

    Norico Ltd

  • Project Scope

    Full Brand Build

  • Website

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Contact us to begin our brand journey together
or chat about any of our products & services.