Taboobreaker Association SEO

Giving visibility to an NGO uplifting communities through reproductive health education.


Taboobreaker are an innovative, forward thinking Swiss-based NGO who have embraced modern tech in order to reach communities around the globe, offering gamified mobile apps to educate young people on sexual and reproductive health.

The Taboobreaker corporate site had been struggling with SERPs visibility, with brand search showing partner or competitor sites higher in results, as well as a defunct My Business profile offering potential visitors no insights into the Taboobreaker Association. This was a major issue – Taboobreaker rely on donors to fund their excellent work, so visibility is paramount.

An SEO 101 approach was all that was needed here – SEO Technical Audit, Keyword Research and Onpage Optimisation rendered almost instant results! Some tweaks to the User Journey, allowing for a more logical and progressive flow for visitors, as they learn the mission, actions and people making the magic behind the scenes.

Along with this we optimised tracking and event/goal tracking to offer the client deeper insights into their user journey and

Our final action to optimise for SERPs brand results was Google My Business optimisation. A new account had to be created and optimised, with the old account relegated to the deep.

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